Scroll wheel trick in illustrator

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Scroll wheel trick
Scroll wheel trick
To make your work was fast and easy we will show you how to scroll and zoom your document by use scroll wheel mouse in Adobe illustrator. It simple that we can scroll mouse and document up and down but now we will detail more about this scroll by scroll up, scroll down, scroll left, scroll right and zoom in, zoom out.
When we press ctrl + scroll wheel we can scroll document to left and right.
Mac cmd + scroll wheel
Win ctrl + scroll wheel
When we press shift + scroll wheel we can scroll document large increment to top and bottom.
Mac shift + scroll wheel
Win shift + scroll wheel
When we press ctrl + shift + scroll wheel we can scroll document in one screen to left and right.
Mac cmd + shift + scroll wheel
Win ctrl + shift + scroll wheel
When we press alt + scroll wheel we can zoom document to zoom up and and zoom out.
Mac opt + scroll wheel
Win alt + scroll wheel

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